Beautiful Holy Father Ali with Sharp Fat Eyes long Straight Slim Nose healthy Cheeks Long long Eyes lashes thick eye brows normal beard 6 Feet Height Body Builder Body long hairs smiling White light as Snow Fair Color Face of God BAAP Ali MOLA The Holy Physical Eternal Natural Soul of Jesus Christ in Constant Eternal Time The Joy of My Heart The Pleasure of my soul the peace of my mind. His Fragrance his beautiful Manly voice in Arabic style in heaven white light is emitting from his Body and He Ali was sitting under a tree in the Heavens and Water Hose e Kosar flowing under the Feet of Ali and Long green trees gardens flowers and Fatima Zahra and Ali were Alone in the Heaven and their children were also there Fatima Zahra raised her two hands in the air and asked me to come to her and white light is emitting from her body and white cloths and she kissed me on both my shoulders and she kissed me on my head above eyes and I bow down my head a liitle and she is loving me and Ali is smiling at me and looking at me and prophet Muhammad is very angry against the enemies of AliFatima ALAISALAAM and their beloved Children Hassan Hussain Zainab Qulsoom Mohsin and Ghazi Abbas Alamdaar ALAISALAAM And then I saw Jesus Christ standing with Ali raised his two hands and told me to come to him and then Jesus raised above clouds and mosses coming out of the tent and joined Baap Ali Mola With Jesus Christ on the mountain.Then I Physically Eternally Fly to Heavens in New Jerusalem NASA Please Send All my Good Works in these websites to Galaxies Stars Black holes Planets by first dividing space into Co ordinates Maps and then converting my Good Works in these websites into Electromagnetic Mass and send it to Infinite Physical Eternal Immortal Planets Stars Galaxies.https://pauleliyachristian.wixsite.com/bible-jesus-church,https://pauleliyachristian.wixsite.com/myandmyfamilystory,https://priestfatherexorci.wixsite.com/christianchurch https://pauleliyachristian.wixsite.com/eternalchristchurch
My name is Paul Eliya I am Pakistani Citizen Request for Arresting Accused Sectarian Raja Amjad Iqbal Abbasi Abdul qudoos Abdul Rauf u/s 154 crPC 420 7ATA Repossession Recovery of my Property #25-A(CB-3650) st#5-A Lalazar 10 Kanal Sangjani Land
Accused Stole my Property by Accusing me for Brutally Burning Quran putting my foot on in Blasphemy against Prophet Muhammad and against his 10 companions
i Appeared before West ICT Judge on 29-11-22
Accused Military 408 Intelligence Battalion Raja Amjad Iqbal Abbasi Captain Annas, Tauheed, Zaheer Abbas under his command u/s 154 crPC 420 Fraud Attempted Murder 7ATA, and immediate Repossession of my Property #25-A(CB-3650) lane#5-A Tulsa Road Lalazar Colony
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Paul Eliya <eliyapaul289@gmail.com> Date: Fri, Apr 21, 2023 at 5:06 PM
Subject: I love Pakistan because Pakistan is a part of Beloved India and Belongs to Beloved India I love and Serve India unconditionally
To: <webmaster@icj-cij.org>, Paul Eliya <eliyapaul289@gmail.com>, <agnes.eklund@regeringskansliet.se>, <anna.erhardt@gov.se>, <eastafritac@imf.org>, <emergencies@caritas.va>, <editor@chanakyaforum.com>, <Fadi.El-Abdallah@icc-cpi.int>, <i.registrator@gov.se>, <ju.registrator@gov.se>, <recrutement-recruitment@icj-cij.org>, <socialdepartementet.registrator@gov.se>, <cons.islamabad@mea.gov.in>, <visa.islamabad@mea.gov.in>, <caritas.internationalis@caritas.va>, <ieo@imf.org>, <imffa@imf.org>, <imfvideo@imf.org>, <info@cartac.org>, <info@imfmetac.org>, <information@icj-cij.org>, <cee-office@imf.org>, <otp.informationdesk@icc-cpi.int>, <OTPNewsDesk@icc-cpi.int>, <petrosillo@caritas.va>, <procurement@imf.org>, <publicaffairs@imf.org>, <publications@imf.org>, <Procurement@icc-cpi.int>, <aajakia.arif@gmail.com>, <achats@icj-cij.org>, <agnes.jansson@gov.se>, <alexandra.cederquist@gov.se>, <andia.gemsjo@regeringskansliet.se>, <anna.lund@gov.se>, <apdpftac2@imf.org>, <applications@icc-cpi.int>, <sbs.malta.heliga-stolen@gov.se>, <secministerialmeetings@imf.org>, <Security@icc-cpi.int>, <dchundungsing@imf.org>, <fdelgado@imf.org>, <frezza@caritas.va>, <globalfahli@gmail.com>, <givingtogether@imf.org>, <library@icj-cij.org>, <contact@fatf-gafi.org>, <copyright@imf.org>, <CPIinfoMali@icc-cpi.int>, <ngoliaison@imf.org>, <media@fatf-gafi.org>, <media@imf.org> Jai Hind Sir my name is Paul Eliya I am the Think Tank of Geopolitics and National Security I want to physically come to India to attend the event of Chanakya Dialogues Conclave in Delhi on 29th April 2023 and my Research and Analysis Of Good Works is my website for Beloved India and all the World Please select me and send me the invitation. I am ready I am dying to come to beloved India we will have talk and we will share our ideas thoughts history truths and we will have tea breakfast lunch and dinner as well. I love Pakistan because Pakistan is a part of Beloved India and Belongs to Beloved India I love and Serve India unconditionally Please Send me the invitation to my whatsapp # 92318-5309511 and at Email address eliyapaul289@gmail.com These 3 Websites are 3 Chapters of my Novel https://eliyapaul289.wixsite.com/security https://eliyapaul289.wixsite.com/officer
https://rawapauleliya.wixsite.com/my-story Jai Hind Vande Mataram Bharat Mata ki Jai https://youtu.be/idkxG7QaO7I
CV Name: Paul Eliya Religion: Islam Father's Name: Hassan Syed CNIC: 37405-0365980-9 Nationality: Pakistan Date of Birth: 30-10-1992
Passport: LL1019802 Gender: Male Age: 30 Weight: 70 KG Height: 6 Foot Work: GYM MAN
Mission: I love Pakistan because Pakistan is a part of Beloved India and Belongs to Beloved India I love and Serve India unconditionally
Qualifications: Matriculation with 90% Marks at SLS School lalazar Colony Tulsa Road
FSc 1st Year 64% Marks at 502 Model College lalazar Colony Tulsa Road
ACCA UK Foundations in Accountancy Audit and Taxation Cost Management and Financial Accounting From Roots International From G-8 Islamabad And Cromwell at Murree Road Sadar Rawalpindi Scholarship at Center of Aviation Sparco Institute of Space Technology Rawat B1/B2 Aircraft Maintenance Engineering License Courses. My Official Website Achievement/ My Good Works/My Background/My story/My Current Affairs/My Research/My Truth/My Job Description https://eliyapaul289.wixsite.com/security https://eliyapaul289.wixsite.com/officer https://rawapauleliya.wixsite.com/my-story
International Policy Making regarding Fundamental Human Rights and Security of Human Beings. Paul Eliya Security Agency
My Safety measures precautions standards for operating procedures for everything to minimize all kinds and natures of probable possible impossible threats to Zero. Holy Allah Subhan Tallah Breathed His Soul into Man and Allah Made Man in His Own Image and Man became Alive. So your Soul is the Soul of Allah that can never be created nor destroyed Neither in Heaven nor in Hell but the soul will always turn into physical eternal bodies. Soul also has memories and our souls will always be with our beloved family our loved ones our grand parents our parents our children your wife your children and we will be enriched with Allah and With everything Allah created for us physically eternally forever and ever in heavens.So Love Protect and live for your family Protect your family from their surrounding people things and places by all means Rule#1 Walk or travel at the extreme sides of the roads with all focus and sense 5 meters away from people things places creations and vice versa if movement of such things is approaching you fastly then still maintain your safe zone by quickly moving away from such things Stop there and go to safe location Without any delay or confusion Rule#2 maintain distance at least 5 meters away from both moving things and people and rigid things and people places creations with all focus and sense Stop there and go to safe location Without any delay or confusion
Rule#3 always watch and look on all sides in all directions around you with all focus and sense. Stop there and go to safe location Without any delay or confusion https://eliyapaul289.wixsite.com/security https://eliyapaul289.wixsite.com/officer https://rawapauleliya.wixsite.com/my-story My Talents Website Development, Singing, Poetry, Reading, Writing Novels and Calligraphy, Painting and Sketching
My Contact Details: 0314-5550432 0318-5309511 Email ID: eliyapaul289@gmail.com House#96,lane 4, Block D, Sector 4, Airport Housing Society Rawalpindi Cantt
Paul's Novel
International Policy Making regarding Fundamental Human Rights and Security of Human Beings.
My Safety measures precautions standards for operating procedures for everything to minimize all kinds and natures of probable possible impossible threats to Zero.
Holy Allah Subhan Tallah Breathed His Soul into Man and Allah Made Man in His Own Image and Man became Alive.
So your Soul is the Soul of Allah that can never be created nor destroyed Neither in Heaven nor in Hell but the soul will always turn into physical eternal bodies. Soul also has memories and our souls will always be with our beloved family our loved ones our grand parents our parents our children your wife your children and we will be enriched with Allah and With everything Allah created for us physically eternally forever and ever in heavens.So Love Protect and live for your family Protect your family from their surrounding people things and places by all means
Rule#1 Walk or travel at the extreme sides of the roads with all focus and sense 5 meters away from people things places creations and vice versa if movement of such things is approaching you fastly then still maintain your safe zone by quickly moving away from such things Stop there and go to safe location Without any delay or confusion
Rule#2 maintain distance at least 5 meters away from both moving things and people and rigid things and people places creations with all focus and sense Stop there and go to safe location Without any delay or confusion
Rule#3 always watch and look on all sides in all directions around you with all focus and sense. Stop there and go to safe location Without any delay or confusion
CMA No. /2023
W.P.No. /2023
Paul Eliya
Raja Amjad Iqbal Abbasi and Others
1. Respectfully Sheweth,
2. That The Petitioner's Property No. 25-A(CB-3650) lane 5-A worth
PKR 14 Crore was fraudulently taken by accusing Petitioner for doing
Blasphemy against Holy Prophet Muhammed PBUH and against his
Companions and against His Holy Quran
3. That The Accused Sectarian Raja Amjad Iqbal Abbasi of 408
Intelligence Battalion of Pakistan Army Defence by misusing
blasphemy laws and People and Authorities of Pakistan stolen
petitioner's property.
4. That The Petitioner Loves and Respects Holy Prophet Muhammed
PBUH and His Companions and His Holy Quran unconditionally.
5. That Therfore court is requested to return and recover the property
and give its repossession back to Petitioner and Arrest Raja Amjad Iqbal Abbasi u/s 154 crPC u/s PPC 420.The Petitioner's Truth is in
this website https://rawapauleliya.wixsite.com/my-story
6. That The Petitioner will get Justice and Help from India if this Court
cannot give Justice to the Petitioner.
7. That in the interest of Justice, Fundamental Human Rights and
supremacy of law and constitution of Pakistan the case may kindly be
fixed for early hearing.
8. That this application is supported with an Affidavit.
Note :The Petitioner has also approached Islamabad High Court and Civil
and Criminal District Courts of Rawalpindi for Justice.
CMA No. /2023
W.P.No. /2023
Paul Eliya S/o Hassan Syed R/o Lalazar Colony Tulsa Road, House
No.25 A, Street No. 5 A, Rawalpindi Cantt
Raja Amjad Iqbal Abbasi and Others
I, Paul Eliya S/o Hassan Syed R/o Lalazar Colony Tulsa Road, House No.25
A, Street No. 5 A, Rawalpindi Cantt do hereby solemnly affirm and declare
that the contents of the accompanying application are true and correct to the
best of my knowledge and belief and nothing has been concealed or
misstated therein,
Verified at Islamabad on this day of April, 2023 that the contents of
the above mentioned affidavit are true and correct to the best of knowledge
and belief and nothing has been concealed or misstated therein.
It is therefore, respectfully prayed before this Honorable Court
that the instant application may kindly be accepted and the above mentioned
writ petition be fixed earlier in the interest of Justice and in the interest of
Fundamental Human Rights on Urgent Immediate Humanitarian Grounds on
the basis of grave Humanitarian Concerns.
My name is Pastor Paul Eliya, I Request for registering FIR u/s 154 crPC Unbailable
Warrants for Arresting Accused Raja Amjad Iqbal Abbasi and his Intercepting Networks Families in and outside Pakistan (known) for Blasphemy Against Jesus Christ & against the Holy Bible and against Israel(Jerusalem) and for false reporting and lying, Fake trails with false accusations, conspiracy, corruption in Foreign Church Aids funds donations, fraud and heinous crimes against my life, my properties and my human rights and even did not give me Baptism Certificate when I was baptized, no Bible Education and no Shelter and no human rights and left me to die like a poor street dog, but Jesus is in me my Lord God Saviour Jesus Christ only I love, worship and serve Unconditionally.
Farrukh Saif Foundation & Pakistan Christian News info@farrukhsaif.com, press@pakchristiannews.com Protecting religious minorities I am Catholic Christian Paul Eliya Escaping from Pakistan legally or illegally anytime because I did not do blasphemy against Quran and prophet Muhammad and Pakistani Muslim mob riot stolen my properties and belongings and searching me to kill me who accuses me for brutally burning Quran and putting my foot on it and setting Quran on Fire and tearing pages of Quran and abusing Prophet Muhammed and his companions. if you can help me financially through a trustworthy NGO Church Embassy Diocese in Lahore for my travel to any safe country of the World. My story is in this website https://rawapauleliya.wixsite.com/my-story You can contact me at this number +92 318 5309511
My name is Paul Eliya, Jesus Christ is my only Saviour, I am converted to Christianity from Islam and Pakistani People Suni Muslim mob riots stole my property #25-A(CB-3650) lane 5-A Lalazar colony in 2014 and searching to kill me and accused me of committing Blasphemy against Prophet Muhammed and against The Quran of Allah, they also accuse me for burning and tearing the pages of Quran and putting my foot on Quran and setting Quran on Fire. I Have shifted from 35 homes since 2014 and did not get Justice. I want to move to Canada because my case resembles Assia Bibi's. Please raise my voice in Europe. I am starving, I have no money to survive my story is in this website https://rawapauleliya.wixsite.com/my-story
You can help me through this number +923185309511
I am Pastor Paul Eliya, I want a 100 Rupees Donation from my Beloved Christian brothers and sisters so that I can flee Pakistan to Dubai to save my life.
You can donate 100 PKR to account #PK58NBPA1531004135241224, National Bank of Pakistan Industrial Area Branch Sector H-9 Islamabad.
you can contact me at these two numbers +92-318-530-9511 +92-314-555 -0432
Email: eliyapaul289@Gmail.com
Urgency and Emergency
I am Eliya,I will flee Pakistan to Dubai for getting a Job I have been shortlisted
Please Help me I am very poor. my Christian brothers and sisters are beloved Children of Christ can donate 150,000 PKR as a Loan in my father's Hassan Syed account # PK58NBPA1531004135241224, National Bank of Pakistan Industrial Area Branch Sector H-9 Islamabad. Once I go to Dubai I will after 1 month return this amount back to them
you can contact me at these two numbers +92-318-530-9511 +92-314-555 -0432
Email: eliyapaul289@Gmail.com
I don't have money because I am poor but criminals terrorists are very rich. Good Rich people can help me, just think about it
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Paul Eliya <eliyapaul289@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, May 8, 2023 at 4:54 PM
To: <isbad@international.gc.ca>, <Kenyahello@refugepoint.org>, <info@refugepoint.org>, <info@farrukhsaif.com>, <info@end-violence.org>, <fund@end-violence.org>, <secretariat@end-violence.org>, <press@pakchristiannews.com>, <jennyt@cofebirmingham.com>, <bishopsadmin@cofebirmingham.com>, <bishopofaston@cofebirmingham.com>, <bookkeeping@cofebirmingham.com>, <comms@cofebirmingham.com>, <commregen@cofebirmingham.com>, <inclusiveandaccessible@cofebirmingham.com>, <discipleship@cofebirmingham.com>, <environment@cofebirmingham.com>, <financeteam@cofebirmingham.com>, <flex@cofebirmingham.com>, <hr@cofebirmingham.com>, <interculturalmission@cofebirmingham.com>, <interfaith@cofebirmingham.com>, <ministry@cofebirmingham.com>, <newchristiancommunities@cofebirmingham.com>, <parishmissionsupport@cofebirmingham.com>, <parishsurveyor@cofebirmingham.com>, <pathways@cofebirmingham.com>, <peopleandplaces@cofebirmingham.com>, <property@cofebirmingham.com>, <safeguardingsupport@cofebirmingham.com>, <education@cofebirmingham.com>, <info@thrivetogetherbham.org>, <vocations@cofebirmingham.com>, <AD.AstonAndSuttonColdfield@cofebirmingham.com>, <AD.ColeshillAndPolesworth@cofebirmingham.com>, <AD.HandsworthAndCentral@cofebirmingham.com>, <AD.KNMS@cofebirmingham.com>, <Mike.Sermon@cofebirmingham.com>, <Nick.Parker@cofebirmingham.com>, <hr.recruitment@churchofengland.org>, <enquiry@churchofengland.org>, <dioceseoflondon@luther.co.uk>, <reception@london.anglican.org>, <communications@london.anglican.org>, <webmaster@icj-cij.org>, Paul Eliya <eliyapaul289@gmail.com>, <agnes.eklund@regeringskansliet.se>, <anna.erhardt@gov.se>, <eastafritac@imf.org>, <emergencies@caritas.va>, <editor@chanakyaforum.com>, <Fadi.El-Abdallah@icc-cpi.int>, <i.registrator@gov.se>, <ju.registrator@gov.se>, <recrutement-recruitment@icj-cij.org>, <socialdepartementet.registrator@gov.se>, <cons.islamabad@mea.gov.in>, <visa.islamabad@mea.gov.in>, <caritas.internationalis@caritas.va>, <ieo@imf.org>, <imffa@imf.org>, <imfvideo@imf.org>, <info@cartac.org>, <info@imfmetac.org>, <information@icj-cij.org>, <cee-office@imf.org>, <otp.informationdesk@icc-cpi.int>, <OTPNewsDesk@icc-cpi.int>, <petrosillo@caritas.va>, <procurement@imf.org>, <publicaffairs@imf.org>, <publications@imf.org>, <Procurement@icc-cpi.int>, <aajakia.arif@gmail.com>, <achats@icj-cij.org>, <agnes.jansson@gov.se>, <alexandra.cederquist@gov.se>, <andia.gemsjo@regeringskansliet.se>, <anna.lund@gov.se>, <apdpftac2@imf.org>, <applications@icc-cpi.int>, <sbs.malta.heliga-stolen@gov.se>, <secministerialmeetings@imf.org>, <Security@icc-cpi.int>, <dchundungsing@imf.org>, <fdelgado@imf.org>, <frezza@caritas.va>, <globalfahli@gmail.com>, <givingtogether@imf.org>, <library@icj-cij.org>, <contact@fatf-gafi.org>, <copyright@imf.org>, <CPIinfoMali@icc-cpi.int>, <ngoliaison@imf.org>, <media@fatf-gafi.org>, <media@imf.org>, <contact@wetrip.pk>, <info@visitouriran.com>, <ceo@sadiqtravels.com>, <info@sadiqtravels.com>, <info@ziyarahtours.net>, <info@alsahlah.com>, <info@alavitravel.com>, <info@travelfatimah.com>, <hr@advancelevelcon.com>, hrmartha roy <hrmagraroy@gmail.com>, hr fatima ali <hrfatimaali@gmail.com>
I Paul Eliya want immediate Air Strikes Attacks on the Jihadi Terrorist country Pakistan on GHQ Rawalpindi through UN NATO FORCES or a Single Nuclear Strike on Pakistan will be enough to kill Satanic Terrorists where the Terrorist Taliban Pakistan Army ISI is The Head of the Snake. INNOCENT CHILDREN WOMEN and MEN must be evacuated and sent to safe places in the WORLD before Crushing the Head of the Snake. All world problems will be solved if Pakistan is put to Death worldly eternally. and 1.5 lacs rupees from my Beloved Shia Christian Hindus Sikhs Jews Brothers and Sisters and I issued UnBailable Arrest Warrants and Physical body Judicial remand u/s 154 crPC PPC 7ATA,Attempted Murder,Fraud 420 misusing Blasphemy laws for persecution & fake reporting by Criminal Terrorist Pakistan Army as a whole who also stolen my USCIS Humanitarian Parole Documents from DHL Courier service FedEx Arrest Accused Pakistan Army Chief Hafiz Syed Asim Munir along with his Army Staff Raja Amjad Iqbal Abbasi and along with his wife and children, Abdul Qudoos and Abdul Rauf and recovery of my property #25-A(CB-3650) lane 5-A lalazar colony and arrest PPP,PMLN,PTI politicians and Corrupt rich Christians pastors of Pakistan including Zahid, Salamat ,Shahbaz, Gulfaam,Amir Sohail, ISAAC TV BARKAT TV Eternal life Church ministries missionary Anwar Fazal, shauqat fazal,Saleem Nasir Jameel,Naveed Malik, shafeeq kanwal,Shahbaz boota PBCI ZARAPTH PBCS Christian studies center Catholic and pentecostal churches diocese of Rawalpindi Islamabad Lahore karachi for doing corruption in church funds for poor Christians and for doing crimes against humanity https://rawapauleliya.wixsite.com/pastor-paul-eliya (PRESS the Button named "ALONE" in this website) https://youtu.be/rSqhotPS4Xc I am a Syed Shia Kazmi Rizvi Muslim and Imam Raza Ali ibne Baap Ali Mola Alaisalaam will help me,I will go to Iran to Karbala,I thought Rich Shia Muslims and Christians would help me but no one helped and they want me dead because I love follow worship and Serve Jesus Christ unconditionally India Israel United States of America Canada Europe please help me and give me job and justice regarding repossession and recovery of My Properties and claims. This is the Strategy of the Pakistan Army to bless some Shia Muslims to target and persecute many Shia Muslims, they do the same thing with Christians Hindus and Sikhs in Pakistan to control them. Rich people favoured by Pakistan Army persecute their own poor people and relatives by committing crimes against their fundamental human rights and Property. I am a RAW Agent and CIA MOSSAD MI6 MI7 007 Agent and I will definitely leave Pakistan. I am going to Dubai or to Iran forever and Then from there I will Go to India and will renounce and surrender my Pakistani nationality # 37405-0365980-9 because Pakistan is a terrorist country DAESH ALQAIDA SIPPA SAHABA Sleeper cells ISIS Suni Followers lovers of Physically condemned to Eternal Hell Fire along with their deeds of Abubakar Umer Usman Aisha Muawiya Yazeed Shimmer ibne joshan Yazeedi Army Abdul Rehman Abu Sufiyan Hindah of Usama Bin laden, Abu baker Albaghdadi and Sadaam Hussain's followers Pakistani People's Mind heart knowledge body and soul is evil terrorist Who did unforgettable and unforgivable crimes against the LOVE LIFE CHILDREN PROPERTY RIGHTS ISLAM QURAN KNOWLEDGE COURAGE WORKS FAZAILS OF BAAP ALI MOLA ALAISALAAM in the History of Mankind. this is my contact # 03185309511 and 03145550432 to help me Financially on Humanitarian Grounds The Cruelist Terrorist Pakistan declared me Psycho Mentally unstable ill without any medical proof. This is the mental condition of Pakistan, because I have 100+ GB Data Proofs Evidence Against Pakistan uploaded on the Websites and saved in Hard Drives I have the proof on this website https://rawapauleliya.wixsite.com/pastor-paul-eliya JESUS CHRIST said I came from the Family of King David and Ibraham. Darood e Ibraham reveals the Truth that I am the Beloved Son of Jesus Christ Through My BAAP ALI MOLA ALAISALAAM. Beloved Imam Hussain Ibne Mola Mushqal Qusha Ali Baap Alaisalaam will Help me.
My name is Paul Eliya, I have the Right to Criticize,to Speak my story, I leave my Home and Loving and following Jesus Christ only. I want temporary shelter and some financial help for my travel to Malaysia or to Dubai. This is my story. when all Doors will be closed i will illegally Cross Pakistan Northern Borders to take refuge Asylum in another safe 3rd Country. I will go to Dubai. That's all I believe Dear All Beloved Human Beings including Muslims Hindus Sikhs Jews Christians Your Anexieties Sorrows Worries have ended. You will always be with your loved ones physically eternally. Dear Beloved Human Beings Stay Safe and Keep your Family 25 meters Away from Moving Tractors Water Bowzers and Machinery dangerous moving fixed things & places by keeping your eyes open .Everyone will die and No one will take money cars houses in their grave soil and shall go to Hell or to Heaven Physically and in this website below are my Talents Experiences and Qualifications for All Human Beings who are the Real Owners of this website https://rawapauleliya.wixsite.com/pastor-paul-eliya https://youtu.be/rSqhotPS4Xc https://youtu.be/AuF853nKqYg https://youtu.be/K9Qie5bAONU Special Note: Pakistan Army ISI is Terrorist who Trains Terrorists(Pakistani Citizens) who killed Innocent Christian Children Women Men around the World. The World Humanitarian Forces should take Full Action Against Accused Pakistan Army ISI through by all Means. Why Christian are afraid of Pakistan Army and always Praises Pakistan Army(Idara) due to Fear in order to avoid being Persecuted. Actually Pakistan Army's Soul is Terrorist Pakistan Army's Body is Terrorist Pakistan Army's Heart is Terrorist Pakistan Army's Mind is Terrorist You cannot change it unless they themselves don't change it to become normal peaceful human beings. But Jesus will Help me and take me out of Pakistan through His Faithful Brave Christians.
The Name of my Last Novel is "My Bones"
Go to this link to read my own hand written Novel for free
My name is Paul Eliya and I am speaking the truth that I am a Christian and
Jesus Christ is my only Saviour that is why no one is helping me and not
giving me a job because I wanted to settle in India and I was converted
to Christianity from Islam and Sectarian People in Pakistan stole my
property # 25-A(CB-3650) lane 5-A Lalazar colony Rawalpindi and 10 Kanal Sangjani land but Jesus Christ will give me Justice and Eternal life,
and I want to leave Pakistan to go to Dubai or Malaysia and want funds of 1.5 lac Rupees
Help from PTI Supporters and Workers, GOD Bless Beloved Hero Shri Imran Khan
Gee. He is a Good Man, his heart is kind.
please share my message with Imran Khan and contact me on this number to
help me +92-318-530-9511
Your E-Mail has been received and your Case #(Case-2023- 05-15-019434560) has been created.
No Reply no-reply@ustraveldocs.com via 665llnf77whq.c-phupmas.na217.bnc.salesforce.com
12:46 AM (1 minute ago)
to me
We have received your email and will respond accordingly within 1 to 2 business days.
The details are as follows:
Date/Time Case Opened: 5/15/2023 3:46 PM
Description: After seeing the critical situation of Pakistan, I Want to say to the
People of Pakistan to Respect and Honour Their Pakistan Army because we are
all Good Human beings
Help from PTI Supporters and Workers, GOD Bless Beloved Hero Shri Imran
Khan Gee. He is a Good Man, his heart is kind. Prime Minister Imran Khan is
the only Hope for Pakistan to save Pakistan
please share my message with Imran Khan and contact me on this number to
help me +92-318-530-9511
Jai Hind
Origin: Email
Case Reason: Prime Minister Imran Khan is the only Hope for Pakistan to save Pakistan
Case Status: New
India its Time to Attack on Pakistan Army by tonight through Air Strikes and Nuclear Strike in the air and not on the ground
from:Paul Eliya <eliyapaul289@gmail.com>
Paul Eliya <eliyapaul289@gmail.com>,
hrmartha roy <hrmagraroy@gmail.com>,
hr fatima ali <hrfatimaali@gmail.com>
date:May 18, 2023, 12:12 AM
subject:India its Time to Attack on Pakistan Army by tonight through Air Strikes and Nuclear Strike in the air and not on the ground
:Important mainly because it was sent directly to you.
India its Time to Attack on Pakistan Army by tonight through Air Strikes and Nuclear Strike in the air and not on the ground. This is the only solution for All the problems of Pakistan, cause I have physically signed on a Registry Transfer Sale purchase Deed and put my thumb impression and purchased Pakistan against this website
Imran Khan and his all 24 Crore PTI Workers are Innocent
I have taken All the Blame of 9th May 2023.
All the Problems of Pakistan are because of me Army Act Pakistan Penal Code Pakistan Constitution Civil Law and Martial Law is a Joke.
I am the one responsible for I Alone physically Burned the House of Core Commander Lahore and I alone Attacked GHQ on 9th May 2033 because I declare that I am a RAW and RSS Agent because Beloved India will give me Justice in Recovering my properties from Pakistan and killing Terrorists involved
according to this website https://rawapauleliya.wixsite.com/pastor-paul-eliya
No one can Prove in writing that I am Mad Man,
No one Dares to speak my name even on media, everyone Fears from me
Why Pakistan don't take actions against me, because they know that I am converted to Christianity from Islam since year 1999.
The only hurdle obstacle between me and my success is the Lack of money of PKR 1,50,000/- only
Can All PTI Supporters Workers Help me in collecting this amount.
I Made A Great Painting of my Hero Imran khan, I Love and Follow Imran Khan unconditionally because I love all Human beings unconditionally.
Request for funds of 1.5 lac Rupees as Loan for my travel to Dubai
My name is Paul Eliya, i am in Zaman Park Lahore at PTI's Chairman outside Imran khan's Residence Protesting to get Justice #Haqeeqi Azadi March of 24 Crore Citizens of Pakistan.Prime Minister Imran Khan is the only Hope for Pakistan to save Pakistan,I want to leave Pakistan to go to Dubai and want funds of 1.5 lac Rupees as Loan for my travel to Dubai Help from PTI Supporters and Workers, GOD Bless Beloved Hero Shri Imran Khan Gee. He is a Good Man, his heart is kind. He is my Hero
please share my message with Imran Khan and contact me on this number to help me +92-318-530-9511
If there is no Justice in Pakistan then Pakistan will be destroyed forever as an example
Read what is this email and in my website
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Paul Eliya <eliyapaul289@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, May 19, 2023 at 4:50 PM
Subject: I will take temporary refuge in Skardu Gilgit Baltistan and I will cross Pakistan China India borders as a refugee and as an asylum seeker at the UNHCR Office NGO IRAP in India or in UNHCR Office in China
To: <hamdardrwp786@gmail.com>, <support-india@ustraveldocs.com>, <support-pakistan@ustraveldocs.com>, <support@ustravel.com>, <isbad@international.gc.ca>, <Kenyahello@refugepoint.org>, <info@refugepoint.org>, <info@farrukhsaif.com>, <info@end-violence.org>, <fund@end-violence.org>, <secretariat@end-violence.org>, <press@pakchristiannews.com>, <jennyt@cofebirmingham.com>, <bishopsadmin@cofebirmingham.com>, <bishopofaston@cofebirmingham.com>, <bookkeeping@cofebirmingham.com>, <comms@cofebirmingham.com>, <commregen@cofebirmingham.com>, <inclusiveandaccessible@cofebirmingham.com>, <discipleship@cofebirmingham.com>, <environment@cofebirmingham.com>, <financeteam@cofebirmingham.com>, <flex@cofebirmingham.com>, <hr@cofebirmingham.com>, <interculturalmission@cofebirmingham.com>, <interfaith@cofebirmingham.com>, <ministry@cofebirmingham.com>, <newchristiancommunities@cofebirmingham.com>, <parishmissionsupport@cofebirmingham.com>, <parishsurveyor@cofebirmingham.com>, <pathways@cofebirmingham.com>, <peopleandplaces@cofebirmingham.com>, <property@cofebirmingham.com>, <safeguardingsupport@cofebirmingham.com>, <education@cofebirmingham.com>, <info@thrivetogetherbham.org>, <vocations@cofebirmingham.com>, <AD.AstonAndSuttonColdfield@cofebirmingham.com>, <AD.ColeshillAndPolesworth@cofebirmingham.com>, <AD.HandsworthAndCentral@cofebirmingham.com>, <AD.KNMS@cofebirmingham.com>, <Mike.Sermon@cofebirmingham.com>, <Nick.Parker@cofebirmingham.com>, <hr.recruitment@churchofengland.org>, <enquiry@churchofengland.org>, <dioceseoflondon@luther.co.uk>, <reception@london.anglican.org>, <communications@london.anglican.org>, <webmaster@icj-cij.org>, Paul Eliya <eliyapaul289@gmail.com>, <agnes.eklund@regeringskansliet.se>, <anna.erhardt@gov.se>, <eastafritac@imf.org>, <emergencies@caritas.va>, <editor@chanakyaforum.com>, <Fadi.El-Abdallah@icc-cpi.int>, <i.registrator@gov.se>, <ju.registrator@gov.se>, <recrutement-recruitment@icj-cij.org>, <socialdepartementet.registrator@gov.se>, <cons.islamabad@mea.gov.in>, <visa.islamabad@mea.gov.in>, <caritas.internationalis@caritas.va>, <ieo@imf.org>, <imffa@imf.org>, <imfvideo@imf.org>, <info@cartac.org>, <info@imfmetac.org>, <information@icj-cij.org>, <cee-office@imf.org>, <otp.informationdesk@icc-cpi.int>, <OTPNewsDesk@icc-cpi.int>, <petrosillo@caritas.va>, <procurement@imf.org>, <publicaffairs@imf.org>, <publications@imf.org>, <Procurement@icc-cpi.int>, <aajakia.arif@gmail.com>, <achats@icj-cij.org>, <agnes.jansson@gov.se>, <alexandra.cederquist@gov.se>, <andia.gemsjo@regeringskansliet.se>, <anna.lund@gov.se>, <apdpftac2@imf.org>, <applications@icc-cpi.int>, <sbs.malta.heliga-stolen@gov.se>, <secministerialmeetings@imf.org>, <Security@icc-cpi.int>, <dchundungsing@imf.org>, <fdelgado@imf.org>, <frezza@caritas.va>, <globalfahli@gmail.com>, <givingtogether@imf.org>, <library@icj-cij.org>, <contact@fatf-gafi.org>, <copyright@imf.org>, <CPIinfoMali@icc-cpi.int>, <ngoliaison@imf.org>, <media@fatf-gafi.org>, <media@imf.org>, <contact@wetrip.pk>, <info@visitouriran.com>, <ceo@sadiqtravels.com>, <info@sadiqtravels.com>, <info@ziyarahtours.net>, <info@alsahlah.com>, <info@alavitravel.com>, <info@travelfatimah.com>, <hr@advancelevelcon.com>, hrmartha roy <hrmagraroy@gmail.com>, hr fatima ali <hrfatimaali@gmail.com>, <fa@missio.edu>
Pakistan Army is a Terrorist organization, I am forced to flee Pakistan due to Injustice and Crimes of Pakistan Army I will take temporary refuge in Skardu Gilgit Baltistan and I will cross Pakistan China India borders as a refugee and as an asylum seeker at the UNHCR Office NGO IRAP in India or in UNHCR Office in China
Request for Killing Shoot At Site Encountering or Air Strike Drone Attack on or Arresting Issuing Non-Bailable Arrest Warrants Hard Physical Naked Intestines Body Remand Breaking their Ribs Spine Back Bones Arms legs Hands Foot Face Head Heart Stomach liver brain and Neck Bones After Medical And Public Trial of Accused Sectarian Pakistani Citizen COAS Criminal Terrorist Jihadi Alqaida Daish Sippa Sahaba Taliban ISIS Fucked Sleeper Cell Satanic Snake Syed Asim Munir to be Hanged by the Neck till Death along with Military under his Command his wife & Family, Raja Amjad Iqbal Abbasi, Abdul Qudus, Abdul Rauf and Future Chiefs of Pakistan Army under Army Act and Register FIR u/s 154 crPC u/s 420, 7ATA, Attempted Murder, Fraud Stealing property # CB-3650,25-A lane 5-A,lalazar colony and 10 Kanal Sangjani land in islamabad via Accused Relatives and Anti-Christ Mob Rioters through Persecution through False Accusations of Blasphemy, violating Fundamental Human Rights, Terrorism, Corruption, Crimes Against Humanity, property and Human Rights Probable Reasons are in my website https://rawapauleliya.wixsite.com/pastor-paul-eliya,
I am very very poor common Pakistani Rawalpindi Citizen Paul Eliya my CNIC # is 3740503659809. I will get Justice from European Union. I am Fighting for Justice and Jesus Christ and Imam Hussain Alaisalaam will give me Justice https://youtu.be/rSqhotPS4Xc I have 100 GB Proofs and Evidences on Record contact me on 03145550432,03185309511 my current temporary location is House#96, lane 4, block D, sector 4, Airport Housing Society Gulzar e Quaid Rawalpindi.
Every word has a meaning Pakistan Failed in its Cause and Satanic Causes of Pakistan has been exposed, there is no Justice in Pakistan then Pakistan will be destroyed forever as an example.
Bastards Criminals Terrorists Homosexuals Adulterers Fornicators Lanti Munafiq Mushriq Kafir Malaun Chooray Jahil Shetani kutay Abubakar Umer Intercoursed with their own Daughters and Lanti Usman Bitch Aisha Muawiya Yazeed Shimmer ibne Joshan Abdul Rehman along with their Deeds are Physically Burning in Eternal Hell Fire along with their followers because they all committed unforgettable and unforgivable sins crimes terrorism corruption conspiracy against the life,Soul,body,mind,heart,Fundamental Human Rights,love,children,property,works,courage,knowledge,islam,Quran,Fazails,Achievements,belongings and everything of BAAP ALI MOLA Alaisalaam in the History of Mankind.
I signed and put my thumb impression on a paper and Purchased All Pakistan against my Good Works in this website https://rawapauleliya.wixsite.com/pastor-paul-eliya
Attachments area
From Islam to Christianity - Pastor Paul Eliya https://rawapauleliya.wixsite.com/pastor-paul-eliya
" The World doesn't impresses me because my Eternal Happiness lies within me My Eternal life is my family thats all. I Travel and Work for my Family's Happiness even that Happiness lies within world which becomes the Happiness of my World. You Fear because You don't have faith, faith gives you eyes to look inside a person's intentions and his cause, This is my Final Unchangeable Decision that I am going to Dubai or to Iran ,I will neither stay in Dubai nor in Iran but will try to Resettle in Canada my CNIC is 37405-0365980-9, I am Syed Shia Muslim who loves Jesus Christ unconditionally. https://rawapauleliya.wixsite.com/khalsa
Request for Pilgrimage Visa for Iran, My name is Paul Eliya, I am going to Holy Imam Raza Ali Shrine in Iran for Ziaraat so that Imam will solve all my problems,
My contact is +92-314-5550432 & +92-318-5309511. I will be an asylum seeker and Refugee at UNHCR office in Iran because I am forced to flee Pakistan probable reasons are is this website https://rawapauleliya.wixsite.com/ya-ali-madad "
By "Paul Eliya"
My name is Pastor Paul Eliya, this is my truth my story. I am Christian since year 2000 and my Church in My Home # 25-A(CB-3650) lane 5-A was forcibly taken by Raja Amjad Iqbal Abbasi and by my relatives and my land of 10 kanal in Sangjani Islamabad was taken too. I read Holy Bible and i save souls of the people of Jesus Christ by through worshipping serving bowing down my head before Jesus Christ and unconditionally loving Jesus Christ and worshipping Jesus Christ. I have Received Jesus Christ from Jesus Christ who is my Eternal life because JESUS CHRIST is the Holy Soul Body Spirit Mind Heart Courage knowledge Heaven Home and Son of GOD Jesus Christ is the ALL UNIVERSE THAT EXISTED FROM THE EVERLASTING TO THE EVERLASTING Jesus Christ is my GOD.he will come back and he will take us to his eternal kingdom where he will be with us forever physically eternally Jesus Christ is the only true GOD because what he did and what he can do no one else can do that or have done that because he gives life to the dead he Healed the deaf dumb blind and the dead because He is GOD and he also forgives forgivable sins and he blesses us according to our own deeds virtues The Suni Muslim Mob Start Shouting loudly by calling me Syed Shia Kafir and when they know that I am Protestant Christian, they tried to kill me but Jesus Christ is my only Saviour I love, Serve and Worship The Holy Father Lord Jesus Christ by Bowing down my Head before Him and I love and serve His Beloved children unconditionally. Muslim Mob stolen my property and my Fundamental Human Rights because I love The Christ. Some Muslims took signature and left thumb impression on a blank Non Judicial Form of Rs 1200 and told me that we will give your belongings back to you. Those Muslims were lying and their names are Frontline Real Estate DHA Islamabad Col Hammad Yazdan and Malik Muhammad Natiq Subi Behind Giga Mall Tauheed Lawyer, Captain Annas 408 Pakistan Army, Zaheer Abbas and 3 Retired Pakistan Army Generals including Muhammad Mustafa Khan of Mustafa Trust of Chaklala Scheme 3 Rawalpindi stolen my father's National Bank of Pakistan Cheques Numbers 91658960 & from 91658901-91658906 and from 91658951 to 91658968. They also Accuses me for committing Blasphemy against Prophet Muhammad, Islam and Quran. and Persecuting me and my family to Death. I am fighting for minority's fundamental human rights around the world because I am minority too. And I Unconditionally love all Christians Jews Hindus Sikhs Syed Shia Muslims Ahmadi Minority Muslims and all Human Beings because I Love Jesus Christ Who is my Eternal life with my Parents Family Loved ones With Jesus Christ Physically Eternally in His New Jerusalem with Jesus Christ Forever where I will be Enriched with God and with Everything God Jesus Christ created for me and He will Give me what I have always wanted to be with my loved ones including Jesus Christ Forever and MY Holy Father Jesus Christ will Give me Justice and He will Save my Good Works in Heavens Forever. Detailed Probable Reasons are in this website below https://eliyapaul289.wixsite.com/pastor-paul-eliya https://youtu.be/rSqhotPS4Xc I am forced to flee Pakistan for saving my life and my family's life. THANK YOU MY BELOVED INDIA UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND ALL THE WORLD FOR EVERYTHING Dear HUMAN BEINGS I HAVE SCIENTIFICALLY PROVED THAT THE SOUL IS AN ETERNAL INFINITE MASS THE MATTER THAT CAN NEVER BE CREATED NOR DESTROYED IN HELL AND IN HEAVEN DEPENDING UPON THE INTENTIONS AND WORK DONE BY ENERGIES BUT IT IS THE REALITY THAT CAN CHANGE ITS FORM FROM INTERNAL ENERGIES INTO PHYSICAL ENERGIES BODIES AND THAT IS WHY THE MEMORIES ARE THE ENERGIES AND WHEN PEOPLE SLEEP AND SAW DREAMS THEY LOSE THEIR MEMORIES TEMPORARILY AND WHEN THEY WOKE UP THEIR MEMORY IS RESTORED AND SOMETIMES SUPERNATURAL HOLY POWERS ARE BEYOND EVERYTHING EXISTED AS MASS AS EXPLAINED ABOVE AS THE GOOD SOULS ARE THE SOUL KNOWLEDGE COURAGE AND EVERYTHING OF GOD JESUS CHRIST https://pauleliyachristian.wixsite.com/pentecostal-catholic Regards PAUL ELIYA and Christian Family https://rawapauleliya.wixsite.com/church https://rawapauleliya.wixsite.com/hope https://rawapauleliya.wixsite.com/my-story https://rawapauleliya.wixsite.com/education https://rawapauleliya.wixsite.com/school https://rawapauleliya.wixsite.com/live https://rawapauleliya.wixsite.com/freedom https://rawapauleliya.wixsite.com/pastor-paul-eliya https://rawapauleliya.wixsite.com/indian-origin
NASA Please Send All my Good Works in these websites to Galaxies Stars Black holes Planets by first dividing space into Co ordinates Maps and then converting my Good Works in these websites into Electromagnetic Mass and send it to Infinite Physical Eternal Immortal Planets Stars Galaxies.https://pauleliyachristian.wixsite.com/bible-jesuschurch,https://pauleliyachristian.wixsite.com/myandmyfamilystory,https://priestfatherexorci.wixsite.com/christianchurch https://pauleliyachristian.wixsite.com/eternalchristchurch
Attachments area Preview YouTube video From Islam to Christianity - Pastor Paul Eliya https://rawapauleliya.wixsite.com/pastor-paul-eliya From Islam to Christianity - Pastor Paul Eliya https://rawapauleliya.wixsite.com/pastor-paul-eliya